Thursday, November 23, 2006

Comment of Previous Post

I have been reading the book, Four Pillars of a man's Heart written by Stu Weber. Stu Weber describes the King, Warrior, Mentor, and Friend roles which a man plays in his family and community. It states how essential it is for a man to have all pillars in balance. Even if one is tilted, there can be turmoil in a family. It is the man which is the head and who is responsible for those in his charge. It was by one man that sin entered the world (even though he did not sin first). Adam was responsible for the mistakes of himself and Eve. His pillars were out of balance. For Decades now, men have been missing the boat in Western culture which has led to the trend noted in the article being discussed.

Now, at first glance, the previous article makes me mad at the airline. However, as a gender(worldwide), there have been many failings which led the airline to take such a stance. It saddens me that this is occurring, but it also invigorates me. In my quiver(Ryan, Samuel, Randy), I have the wonderful honor of helping to change this trend. Equipping them in Christ can change the world. As noted above, by one man, sin entered this world. By one Man, it was washed away(Christ). My boys will change this world both by the decisions they make and don't make. Every action or inaction creates a ripple. By God's grace, I will teach them to be kings, warriors, mentors, and friends. In God's balance, the pillars in their lives' will equip their family and communities to reverse the trend that men are not to be trusted. That starts with ME. I must model the 4 pillars an keep them in balance. I must learn from my KING and teacher. It starts from the top and works down. That is my challenge, that is my duty.

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Segregating Children From Men????

Monday, November 20, 2006

Performancing Test Page

This is a test post to see if the Firefox performancing add-on is working correctly.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pulling an All-Nighter!

Check out my Ebay auction for the new Nintendo Wii........


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Looping Lizard!

WOW! Lance Stillings, the boys' cousin gave the boys a brand-new Kinex looping lizard set. We had so much fun putting this together. We started on Sunday night and finished early Tuesday morning. Now, I am not one to just pull this out my head and create. I can follow instructions though, and man was it worth it. The smile on their faces was priceless. They are still playing with it, after 30 minutes now. It is so much fun to sit down and construct something with one's kids. They learned about gravity, centrifugal force, and timing and had a blast doing it. Awesome fun. Thanks Lance!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Just enough...or all you've got?

I recieved this email from a friend of mine. I love these kind of simple truths. Check out the video. Ask yourself, "Am I giving all I can, or just enough to get buy?" That is what I asked myself after watching the video.

Have a great day.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sam's Tribute

Randa and I are homeschooling our oldest son right now. I will be honest; I was not completely sold on the idea. I saw value and believed it was the right avenue for our child, but was still a skeptic.
My son, Sam, loves to sit with mommy and Ryan during the lessons, and as a result, he learns just as much as his older brother, but in a different way. Randa and the boys have been studying the Egyptians. When I come home, Ryan and Sam are teaching me facts that I never knew about the culture and way of life. Sam is a determined little boy and together we like to build marble ramps, houses and other items with legos or wooden blocks. He especially likes to build "stuff" that he is learning. The application of creativity and hands on learning really help him grasp concepts and remember what has been taught.
I call this picture, Sam's Tribute to 'Aman Ra'. I am learning, that he is one of the Egyptian gods and has many statues and idols built for him. It is cool that we are able to teach the boys about this stuff, but at the same time, impress on them that there is only ONE TRUE God that we worship. They understand this, an actively tell us this when Randa tells me about the morning lesson.
He just sat down one day and used nearly every block we had in the house and said, "Dad, this is just like the Egyptian pyramids, only a little smaller." I am so impressed about what he is learning along with is brother and marvel at the fact that although he is all boy, he still takes time to create something with his own hands.
More pics to come.......................