I have been reading the book, Four Pillars of a man's Heart written by Stu Weber. Stu Weber describes the King, Warrior, Mentor, and Friend roles which a man plays in his family and community. It states how essential it is for a man to have all pillars in balance. Even if one is tilted, there can be turmoil in a family. It is the man which is the head and who is responsible for those in his charge. It was by one man that sin entered the world (even though he did not sin first). Adam was responsible for the mistakes of himself and Eve. His pillars were out of balance. For Decades now, men have been missing the boat in Western culture which has led to the trend noted in the article being discussed.
Now, at first glance, the previous article makes me mad at the airline. However, as a gender(worldwide), there have been many failings which led the airline to take such a stance. It saddens me that this is occurring, but it also invigorates me. In my quiver(Ryan, Samuel, Randy), I have the wonderful honor of helping to change this trend. Equipping them in Christ can change the world. As noted above, by one man, sin entered this world. By one Man, it was washed away(Christ). My boys will change this world both by the decisions they make and don't make. Every action or inaction creates a ripple. By God's grace, I will teach them to be kings, warriors, mentors, and friends. In God's balance, the pillars in their lives' will equip their family and communities to reverse the trend that men are not to be trusted. That starts with ME. I must model the 4 pillars an keep them in balance. I must learn from my KING and teacher. It starts from the top and works down. That is my challenge, that is my duty.
Now, at first glance, the previous article makes me mad at the airline. However, as a gender(worldwide), there have been many failings which led the airline to take such a stance. It saddens me that this is occurring, but it also invigorates me. In my quiver(Ryan, Samuel, Randy), I have the wonderful honor of helping to change this trend. Equipping them in Christ can change the world. As noted above, by one man, sin entered this world. By one Man, it was washed away(Christ). My boys will change this world both by the decisions they make and don't make. Every action or inaction creates a ripple. By God's grace, I will teach them to be kings, warriors, mentors, and friends. In God's balance, the pillars in their lives' will equip their family and communities to reverse the trend that men are not to be trusted. That starts with ME. I must model the 4 pillars an keep them in balance. I must learn from my KING and teacher. It starts from the top and works down. That is my challenge, that is my duty.
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