Monday, May 21, 2007


I complete my first WOD with another group this past weekend up in the Cleveland Metroparks. I was a great setting for an excellent workout. Check Crossfit Cleveland for pics and what the WOD was. I am still a little sore and recovering on Monday, but could not pass up doing another WOD this afternoon when I got home from work. I tried to avoid any real eccentric or concentric work on my lats because they were really sore still, but did get some pushing in today along with a intense legs workout as well.

WOD: (4 rounds)
20 KB swings
10 KB Push press L/R
10 24'' step up L/R
10 Burpees

Time 18:27

I felt great after the workout, but my chest is pretty tired right now. More to come about the weekend announcement in the next few days.

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